The Five Elements
There are no "good" breath sessions or "bad" breath sessions, only the breath session you were "meant to have" this day. To the extent that these five elements are present in your breath session, you will be more likely to have the breath session you were meant to have.
The first element is about the "mechanics" of the breath. The inhale and the exhale should be connected without any pauses. The exhale is completely relaxed without control, forcing, or blowing. The inhale and exhale are both through the mouth. The breath is full enough to move energy in the body so that whatever is being suppressed can be released and integrated.- SURRENDER
The second element is about letting go. It is the invitation to cease clinging to anything - an idea, a thing, an event, a viewpoint, a desire, a time or a place. To surrender means to give up resisting, coercing or struggling, in exchange for something more powerful and wholesome that comes out of allowing things to be as as they are without getting caught in one's attraction to or rejection of them - but simply to allow things to be.
The third element is about beginning each session with complete and full body relaxation so that the areas holding tension will come into conscious awareness.
Begin lying on the back in a comfortable position, with hands at the sides and legs uncrossed. This is an open, vulnerable and undefended posture. As the session proceeds, body movements may occur which is good as long as they happen spontaneously. However, be aware that such movements may be a distraction that may be keeping something else suppressed.
The fourth element is about bringing one's awareness as fully as possible to the present moment to explore everything that is happening in the greatest possible detail. It can be any one of a number of sensory impressions that emerge, from a tingling in your fingers, pressure in your chest, flashing of images, experience of sounds, or a memory.
The fifth element is about giving total, loving acceptance to everything in your experience. It is the conscious decision to accept fully the stream of present moments as they are unfolding. With acceptance, insight and wisdom often arise, bringing clarity and a deep sense of peace.