Monday Breath Circle on Zoom 

  • Occurring on most Mondays at

    • 9:30 AM Pacific Time (LA)

    • 11:30 AM Central Time (Chicago)

    • 12:30 PM Eastern Time (New York)

    • 5:30 PM UK

    • 4:30 PM UTC

  • Free of charge

  • Zoom link received via email

    • Contact Alan to get on the reminder list.

  • The meeting format varies depending on the breathwork experience of the people who show up on any given Monday.

  • If there is at least one new person, we will:

  • If the attendees have some experience and "adventurousness", we have the option to breathe to longer "holotropic" music that moves through the chakras from the bottom up. These musical "mixes" can be:

    • As short as 40 minutes. (I have 2 pieces this length.)

    • About an hour (I have many pieces of this length.)

    • 80 minutes (I have 2 or 3)

  • To read more about this modality of breathwork, namely, Integral Breath Therapy and its founder, Carol Lampman, you can visit her website:

  • TOTAL TIME: 60 to 90 minutes

(It’s fine if people need to leave during the long breathe to music, if they don’t have that much time at lunch, say.)