The Circular Breath - Instructions
Think of the circular breath as a 3-part breath: 2 parts to the inhale and 1 part to the exhale.
1. Start by expanding the belly. (Drop the diaphragm.)
2. Then follow by expanding the chest, inhaling fully. (Stretch the chest muscles.)
3. Finish with a fully relaxed exhale, making a sound as if you are sighing.
Make sure that there are no pauses between the inhale and exhale at both the "top" of the breath or the "bottom". Breathe through an open mouth and throat, offering as little resistance to the free flow of air as possible.
As you breathe, visualize the following:
o …imagine the breath entering your body at the base of your spine…
o …moving up your backbone as you inhale…
o …then spilling out from the top of your head over the front of your body as you exhale…
o …and then back into the base of your spine on the next inhale…
o …visualizing this air movement as moving in a large circle of breath and energy.
Are there any pauses in my breathing? If so, eliminate them.
How full is my breath at the top of the inhale? Am I giving enough effort to the inhale? Moving more air in the breath cycle will move more energy in the body.
Is the transition between the inhale and exhale abrupt or smooth? If abrupt, try to "round off" the transition at the top or the bottom. Also notice the transition between filling the belly and the chest. If the transition is abrupt, smooth it out more.
Is my exhale fully relaxed, with no forcing or holding back? If not, try relaxing your entire body and make more of a sighing sound as you exhale.
Am I restricting my airflow in any way, e.g. blowing through pursed lips? If so, open the mouth more and/or push the jaw forward and down (like you're pretending to yawn) to open the air passage more.
Am I straining on the inhale? Take a little more time to fill your lungs while relaxing your entire body during both the inhale and the exhale.
As an alternative to following the instructions above, you can simply click this link to listen, as
Carol Lampman teaches the Basic Circular Breath